[Recent News] Attorney Shinyoung Chu delivered a presentation on the topic of "Comprehensive Review and Analysis of Issues Concerning Existing Business Operators in the Special Act on Offshore Wind Power" at the National Assembly forum titled "National Assembly Discuss

  • Date 2024.11.13
  • Hit 134

Attorney Shinyoung Chu from ELPS delivered a presentation at the "National Assembly Discussion for Establishing a System to Promote Offshore Wind Power” held at the National Assembly. His presentation focused on the topic of " Comprehensive Review and Analysis of Issues Concerning Existing Business Operators in the Special Act on Offshore Wind Power." He emphasized, “It is necessary to closely examine the interests of existing business operators who have been preparing for offshore wind power development, categorized by individual cases and stages.” He also expressed hope that “the Special Act on Offshore Wind Power will be promptly enacted, reflecting these issues related to existing operators in a reasonable manner.”

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