
Environment · Energy

Environment ∙​​​​​​​ Energy

Environment ∙ Energy

We have extensive experience in advising and litigating across a wide range of complex and fragmented environmental issues, including air, water, noise, vibration, odor, light pollution, waste, soil contamination, chemicals, renewable energy, and climate change, and we provide one-stop services to resolve fundamental issues through our deep understanding of environmental law and organic collaboration between experts in the environmental, legal, administrative, and technical fields.

  • Air pollution ∙ Water pollution

  • Noise Vibration Malodor Right to light Light pollution

  • Soil contamination Wastes

  • Chemicals

  • Environmental damage ∙ environmental responsibility 

  • Electricity Utility (Power Generation) industry

  • New ∙​​​​​​​ Renewable Energy

  • Climate Change ∙​​​​​​​ Greenhouse Gas

  • Advising on new businesses in the environmental sector

  • The Integrated Environmental Permission ∙​​​​​​​ Environmental Impact Assessment ∙​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​Environmental Due Diligence

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